- Arkadi Run (22.6 km) and 6 Km Run
- Arkadi Power Walking (please those who do not have time in their participation to call 6974949399)
- 1 Km AWD Run, 1Km Kids Run, 2 Km Secondary School Kids Run
- Cretan Shot Put Men Veterans, Men up to 50 years, Primary school pupils
- kids Skating
You can see the foto of the races on:
First male citizens athletes of Rethymno:
1. Παπαδάκης Θωμάς
2. Mohamad Ibrahim
3. Λουκάκης Μανώλης
First female citizens athletes of Rethymno:
1. Τακμάκη Ασημήνα
2. Παπαδομανωλάκη Μαρία
3. Μπιχάκη Αγγελική